Terms & Conditions of Using the Website
This is an agreement between You and tvevents.org. By accessing our site you agree to all terms and conditions related to it. If you are under 18 years of age or you do not agree to the present terms you should cease accessing the site and all related pages. It is your full responsibility to read the terms and conditions, since we will accept no liability for failure to understand the terms.
Copyright Information
All information contained on this site including but not limited to images, words, videos, blogs is sole property of tvevents.org and as such is subject to copyright law. No content shall be in any form reproduced without Our prior written consent.
Liability Limitation
No gambling occurs within this website, advices and or any views expressed on the page are strictly for information only and we could not be held liable for any loss whether actual or perceived.
tvevents.org is not a gambling provider and as such, any cause for grievance after signing an agreement with a third party such as but not limited to a bookmaker, online casino or any other service we mention on our website should be addressed to the company directly.
tvevents.org shall not be liable for any losses or perceived losses in indirect or direct result of viruses, malware, trojan attacks, phishing attack, DOS (denial of service attacks) or other instances of this type.
By accessing Our site you accept full responsibility and agree to the concomitant risk. As a responsible company we will take all reasonable steps to reduce this risk but should not be held liable for matters beyond our control.
Liability for Content or Third Party Content
It is your responsibility to fully check the information we show on our site in regards to third party sites is correct and up to date. We offer this information in good faith only and will not be held responsible or liable for information that is out of date or incorrect. It is also your responsibility to check the terms and conditions of 3rd party websites before you enter any agreement with a 3rd party, who ever that 3rd party may be.
We shall not be liable nor responsible in any way for losses whether real or perceived, no matter how they happened as a result of using a third party service.
If any content on our website is deemed as being illegal either in the country viewed, on local level or is contrary to any European laws, then we will remove the material as soon as we are made aware. We, however, are not responsible for anything published in the period before we had been informed.
All links, guides, hints, tips and any other information contained on our site is in good faith and may have been created to help a player but it can not guarantee winnings and we will not be held accountable or liable for any losses or damages that occur from using this information.
Privacy and Information Sharing
We will take all reasonable steps to ensure your personal information is safe but we will not be held liable for matters beyond our control such as but not limited to unauthorised access of our computer system, including unauthorised access of our servers, unauthorised staff disclosure from current and previous staff members, malware, viruses or any other computer issues.
We do not currently collect any personal information but if you supply your email or other information to us, we reserve the right to use this information for marketing either directly or indirectly in future campaigns.
We shall, if requested, share any information, such as but not limited to IP address used to access our site, with any law enforcement officers or a court of law or to protect ourselves from fraud or malicious access to our servers. We may also give information to a third party if we suspect a law has been broken.
For more information about Privacy and Information sharing please check the following page – https://tvevents.org/privacy-policy.php
Responsible Gambling
We do not encourage gambling and if you have a history of gambling addiction or feel you have a problem we urge you to seek professional help and to cease accessing our site.
The legal age for gambling varies according to country, therefore we advise you to carry out local research. If you are under 18 years of age or under the legal age for gambling in your jurisdiction, you should leave this website immediately.
If you need to contact us, you may do so by emailing us at and we will answer you as quickly as possible.
General Terms
tvevents.org includes links to external sites. Our service has included links to these sites to provide you with access to information and services that you may find useful or interesting. tvevents.org is not responsible for the content of these sites or for anything provided by them.
You agree that tvevents.org is not responsible for any gaming, betting or other transaction carried on with any of the betting partners with whom you are or become registered.
Registration with a betting partner through the Assisted Registration Service forms a contract between you and that betting partner on their terms and conditions and will be subject to any additional notice or disclaimer of the relevant betting partner. tvevents.org is neither responsible for nor a party to any contract made between you and a betting partner.
Registration with a betting partner through the Assisted Registration Service forms a contract between you and that betting partner on their terms and conditions and will be subject to any additional notice or disclaimer of the relevant betting partner. tvevents.org is neither responsible for nor a party to any contract made between you and a betting partner.
Suspension and termination of Services
tvevents.org may suspend the operation of the Site for repair or maintenance work or in order to update or upgrade the contents or functionality of the Site from time to time. Access to or use of the Site or any Sites or pages linked to it will be not necessarily be uninterrupted or error free.
tvevents.org may terminate this agreement and your right to use of the Site and/or the Services immediately in the event you breach any of these terms and conditions or any time at tvevents.org discretion.
Whilst every effort is made to ensure all the odds displayed on our site are up to date, differences between these odds and those actually available from quoted betting partners may exist. Please ensure the details of your bets are correct before you place them.